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Implements Telegram Mini Apps viewport functionality.


The component constructor accepts an object with specified viewport height, width, stable height, expansion state, and an optional function to call Telegram Mini Apps methods.

import { Viewport, postEvent } from '@tma.js/sdk';

const viewport = new Viewport({
  height: 390,
  width: 365,
  stableHeight: 300,
  isExpanded: false,
import { Viewport, postEvent } from '@tma.js/sdk';

const viewport = new Viewport({
  height: 390,
  width: 365,
  stableHeight: 300,
  isExpanded: false,


The application can display just the top part of the Mini App, with its lower part remaining outside the screen area. From this position, the user can "pull" the Mini App to its maximum height, while the developer can do the same by calling expand method (use isExpanded prop to get current expansion state). As the position of the Mini App changes, the current height value of the visible area will be updated in real time.


Please note that the refresh rate of this value (height) is not sufficient to smoothly follow the lower border of the window. It should not be used to pin interface elements to the bottom of the visible area. It's more appropriate to use the value of the stableHeight field for this purpose.

Requesting actual data

To get actual viewport information, developer could use requestViewport function:

import { requestViewport } from '@tma.js/sdk';

requestViewport().then((data) => {
  // Output:
  // { height: 122, isExpanded: false, width: 375, isStateStable: true }
import { requestViewport } from '@tma.js/sdk';

requestViewport().then((data) => {
  // Output:
  // { height: 122, isExpanded: false, width: 375, isStateStable: true }


List of events, which could be used in on and off component instance methods:

EventListenerTriggered when
change() => voidSomething in component changed
change:height(height: number) => voidheight property changed
change:isExpanded(isExpanded: boolean) => voidisExpanded property changed
change:stableHeight(stableHeight: boolean) => voidstableHeight property changed
change:width(width: boolean) => voidwidth property changed

Released under the MIT License.